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Policies and Handbooks

Students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the information contained in the Student Handbook and in the policies posted on the website, including, but not limited to those listed here. In addition, students are required to check their email and the announcements on the Current Students page several times each day and are responsible for all relevant information posted there. For additional policies that may be applicable to law students, please visit the .

Contains important policies and procedures that apply to all Villanova Law Students including the 

Villanova Law School's official policy on handling student complaints

Academic Accommodations

澳门二分彩 Charles Widger School of Law strives to provide an environment for the personal and intellectual growth of all its students, and also complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In order to meet these commitments, Villanova offers educational opportunities and reasonable academic accommodations for the needs of qualified students with disabilities. The standards for academic credit should not be modified for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities have fulfilled the same entrance requirements, have the same range of backgrounds and experiences as other students at Villanova, and should be fully capable of meeting Villanova's standards. The Law School鈥檚 goal is to provide access and reasonable accommodations in helping the students achieve those expectations.

Students seeking academic accommodations must submit current documentation, including supporting reports of tests and other measurements and assessments provided by a qualified treating professional, and transmitted directly (email preferred) from that professional, including a cover letter signed by the treating professional, to the Assistant Dean of Students and Academic Success. The request and supporting documentation will be considered by The Assistant Dean, in consultation with the Office of Learning Support Services and/or the Office of Disability Services, as applicable. The Assistant Dean, in consultation with the Office of Learning Support Services and/or the Office of Disability Services, as applicable, may request additional information if necessary, as the process contemplates collaboration among the treating professionals, the Law School, and the student. The student may be asked to sign releases to allow the free exchange of information among all those involved with meeting their needs. The Assistant Dean in consultation with the Office of Learning Support Services and/or the Office of Disability Services, as applicable, will make a determination of what accommodations will be offered.  If a student is dissatisfied with the academic accommodation, concerns may be addressed to the Dean and the Office of Academic Affairs. The process contemplates an ongoing assessment of needs and the reasonable means of meeting those needs.

The granting of academic accommodations is strictly confidential; faculty members are not notified unless the particular accommodation requires cooperation of the faculty member, and then disclosure is limited to only what is necessary. Students with physical disabilities that require accommodations unrelated to the academic program are coordinated through the Assistant Dean of Students and Academic Success or the Office of Disability Services. All requests for exam accommodations should be submitted no later than one month prior to the last day of classes for the semester.