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Visual Identity Guidelines

The °ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê visual identity is the graphic identifier of the University and should inform all print and electronic communication for both internal and external audiences. Using a clear, consistent visual identity for Villanova will promote awareness and recognition of the University across all audiences.

The visual identity encompasses four elements:

1) University-approved logos

2) A graphic design

3) Typography

4) University-approved color

Examples of communication vehicles include, but are not limited to, magazines, newsletters, brochures; stationery; banners and signage; electronic and print invitations and electronic and print ads. In each of these instances the designed communication vehicle must possess the University’s visual identity.

The University colors are blue and white, with Pantone 281 as our signature blue color. The University also uses a gold accent color for special events and announcements. Pantone 871 is our signature gold metallic, and Pantones 8003 and Warm Gray 6 are flat equivalent options.

The University also has a secondary color palette consisting of six hues that complement our signature colors. If colors outside of the primary colors are to be used we strongly suggest the use of the provided secondary palette.

Athletic Light Blue (Pantone 298) is a color specified for use with the Athletic logos and is to be used primarily with print material for the University’s Athletic Department. When used, it used it can ONLY appear in 10% of any design.

Marketing can assist you with color questions concerning the secondary palette or the Athletic Light Blue. Please email creatives@villanova.edu.

Villanova Signature Blue

Pantone 281 blue color swatch

Pantone 281

M: 85
Y: 5
K: 36

R: 0
G: 38
B: 100

HTML HEX #: 002664


Metallic Accents

signature blue color swatch

Pantone 871

C: 44
M: 46
Y: 78
K: 19

R: 132
G: 114
B: 72

HTML HEX #: 847248


Pantone 8003 flat gold color swatch

Pantone 8003

C: 37
M: 37
Y: 40
K: 25

R: 152
G: 148
B: 130

HTML HEX #: 867A6E


The Goudy (serif) and Gotham (san-serif) font families are the recommended typefaces for all University communication materials. Either font family may be used in print or digital formats for headlines, body copy, or other text.

Acceptable substitute typefaces used in a limited manner, such as in a Word document, would be Times New Roman (serif) and Arial (san-serif).

Marketing can assist you with font questions. Please email creatives@villanova.edu.

signature blue color swatch
Pantone 8003 flat gold color swatch

To assist you in concise and consistent writing of the Villanova message, University Communication and Marketing has provided a Villanova Style Guide on the University Communication and Marketing pages of the Villanova website. Please go to University Communication and Marketing's  for any additional editorial style questions.

Brand Platform—The Villanova Experience

Restless hearts and rigorous minds create wisdom to shape the world. The °ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê experience melds intellect and spirituality. Villanova’s Augustinian Catholic community urges self-exploration while rejecting self centeredness. The Villanova journey yields ambition with a sense of mission; intellect inspired by faith. The result: Villanova attracts and forges world changers—people who create positive change everywhere life takes them.

What Makes Villanova Distinctive?

What sets °ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê apart is its Augustinian Catholic intellectual tradition, which is the cornerstone of an academic community in which students learn to think critically, act compassionately and succeed while serving others. Villanova prepares students to become ethical leaders who create positive change everywhere life takes them.

Augustinian Catholic Education

°ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê’s Augustinian Catholic intellectual tradition is the cornerstone of an academic community in which students learn to think critically, act compassionately and succeed while serving others.

Reasons to Go Nova

All of the following reasons to join the °ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê community are compelling on their own, and together they create an experience that is greater than the sum of its parts. These reasons, taken as a whole, make the Villanova experience unique and powerful.

Academic Excellence

At Villanova, students are challenged by a rigorous academic experience rooted in the liberal arts and shaped by a community where students and professors are partners in learning.

Strong Community

Villanova’s welcoming community shares a responsibility to uphold the ideals of Saint Augustine: truth, unity and love. This environment helps students grow intellectually, professionally and spiritually, and challenges them to reach their full potential.

Personal Attention

The Villanova community is dedicated to providing a caring, personalized learning environment that fosters students’ intellectual and spiritual well-being.

Service to Others

Villanova’s Augustinian Catholic intellectual tradition challenges students to enrich their own lives by working for those in need. Academic and service programs allow students to use their knowledge, skills and compassion to better the world around them.

Foundation for Lifelong Success

The Villanova experience develops both the heart and the mind. It prepares students to become ethical leaders who create positive change everywhere life takes them.


About °ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê: Since 1842, °ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê’s Augustinian Catholic intellectual tradition has been the cornerstone of an academic community in which students learn to think critically, act compassionately and succeed while serving others. There are more than 10,000 undergraduate, graduate and law students in the University's six colleges—the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Villanova School of Business, the College of Engineering, the M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing, the College of Professional Studies and the °ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê Charles Widger School of Law. Ranked among the nation’s top universities, Villanova supports its students’ intellectual growth and prepares them to become ethical leaders who create positive change everywhere life takes them. For more, visit .